When giving its corresponding value to a stone of this type, however beautiful it may seem only to look at it, experts advise to look at what is known as the ‘4C’; four traits that would be identified with color, size, purity and carat weight. Although this is the theory, when we start to buy a jewel as important as the engagement ring, it is not always clear what to look for to give the corresponding value to the stones set on the mount.
“The truth is that it is very difficult to recognize a good diamond for someone who is not familiar with the jewelry sector,” this explains in www.argylediamondinvestments.com.au, a Barcelona workshop established in 1957 that today joins to the trend of the shopping journey of brides with jewelry sales only online. “Hence the importance of buying jewelry in a place that guarantees the quality of the diamond and certifies what kind of stone we are acquiring. Once you appreciate the way it treats the light they give off, however, you never forget to recognize them”.
Following the classification of the ‘4C’, the color of the diamond would be the first thing we have to look at, and it is evaluated on a scale that goes from exceptional white to paler yellow. The Gemological Institute of America is the internationally established authority to certify this color scale. However, and so that there is no doubt, laboratories and jewelers that issue gemstone certificates use a spectrophotometer, an apparatus that can determine color objectively.
The size of the diamond would be responsible for revealing the brightness of the stone and highlights its qualities. “To assess the size, experts look at its quality, it’s proportion or symmetry, and polishing. The three aspects usually appear in official certificates such as Excellent, Very Good, Good or Fair, “the first being the diamond with a more perfect size. Purity is the third of the ‘4C’ and refers to imperfections or inclusions of the stone A diamond is classified as pure when no inclusion is discernible with a magnifying glass that increases the vision tenfold, so we can find a wide range of stones that respond to different scales of purity:
- The most perfect diamond, or the purest, is known as Internally Flawless (IF) and is the one that does not present any imperfection.
- One with tiny inclusions barely noticeable with the magnifying glass would be cataloged as Very Very Small Inclusions (VVS).
- A diamond with small inclusions detectable with a magnifying glass by an expert eye would fall into the category of Very Small Inclusions (VS).
- And finally, one with small visible inclusions with magnifying glass would be classified as Small Inclusions (SI).
Apart from these almost perfect diamonds, in the market, we can also find stones with more obvious imperfections, such as the First Pique, with easily visible inclusions, the Second Pique, with large and numerous inclusions that affect brightness, and Third diamonds Pink, with large and numerous inclusions that affect the brightness. These would be the diamonds that are further away from the purest type of diamond.